Therapeutic Life Story Work
Therapeutic Life Story Work
Therapeutic Life Story Work is a practical and engaging approach that provides young people with the opportunity to explore their history and develop understanding of their feelings, behaviours and cognitive processes.
The aim is to enable rediscovery, reflection and an emotional repertoire to assist them to unhinge from the destabilising effects of trauma and loss of the past. By having a comprehensive appreciation for what has gone before, one can make choices and changes to determine a positive way forward.
"It is difficult to grow up as a psychologically healthy adult if one is denied access to one's own history "(Fahlberg, 2008)
Jane Hollobone
Jane Hollobone
As an experienced therapist and educator, Jane set up Therapeutic Support in Safe Hands (TSinSH) as a response to the increasing need to support young
p​eople with attachment, mental health and identity issues.

About Jane
About Jane
- Professional Diploma in Therapeutic Life Story Work.
- Affiliated member of TLSWi
- APT Qualified Clinical Supervisor
- Trained in Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP)
- NCFE Counselling Skills (Carl Roger’s Person Centred Approach)
- MA in Education; major in supervision and mentoring
- BA (Hons) Professional Studies of Learning and Development
- QTLS Certified lecturer, trainer and consultant
- Mental Health First Aid Trained
- ASIST Applied Suicide Intervention Skills
- Connect 5 trained
- 10 year experience as a Safeguarding and Intervention Advisor
- Therapeutic Foster Carer
- Advanced DRB
- Fully Insured
People who benefit from Therapeutic Life Story work or intervention may be..
People who benefit from Therapeutic Life Story work or intervention may be..
- Adopted
- In long term foster care
- Live in residential/specialist care units
- Suffering from loss and bereavement
- Experiencing family break-up
- Classified as SEN
- School adverse
- At risk of becoming NEET (not in employment, education or training)
- Suffer with low self esteem
- Have anxiety
- Trying to manage depression
- Involved in risky behaviour/self harm
- Questioning identity
- Attending behavioural/specialist facilities
- All children,young people and adults with childhood trauma and unresolved l ife history
Testimony from the parents of a 12 year old
Testimony from the parents of a 12 year old
"We cannot thank you enough for your support over the past year. The methods you used to engage our child were brilliant.
The work has helped them appreciate that they were not 'stolen' and has joined some important dots together.
Therapeutic life story work with you has been a wonderful experience for the whole family and we feel you have become more of a friend than just a professional service; thank you!"

" I will never be able to thank Jane enough for acting as my son's personal detective, for her insight when dealing with such fragile circumstances and for her reassurance, not only to my son but also to myself.
I thank her for understanding how incredibly difficult it was for me to allow my child to enter into that dark place and come through the other side, enlightened and in a protective environment.
I truly believe this experience will continue to give my son the confidence to ask questions; each question answered is one brick removed from the wall he built around himself. We now have a child who feels more complete and less insecure about who he is and his place in the world ".
Testimony by the Mum of an 11 year old child

Testimony from parent of 19 year old
Testimony from parent of 19 year old
"Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your wonderful support, guidance, empathy and wisdom. You have made an invaluable different to our daughter's life and her understanding of her past, her present and a belief she can have a wonderful future. You have an incredible gift Jane and we will be eternally grateful to you".
© 2018 Therapeutic Support in Safe Hands (TSiSH)